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Infants with Milk Formula Allergy, Here's the Characteristics

Formula milk is one of the milk produced by companies to meet the nutritional needs of a person, namely infants, children, adolescents, and parents. With the existence of formula milk is basically very good because humans can feel the nutritional value contained in the formula milk.

After a baby reaches the age of 2 years in general the baby will be weaned meaning that the baby will be stopped from drinking breast milk and replaced with formula milk. But in fact, babies do not have to step on 2 years to be given formula milk, but sometimes from birth even sometimes there are still babies who have been given formula milk, even there is a baby who is still more than 2 years old still drinks milk. But even so there is still a baby who is allergic to formula milk, then what are the characteristics of a baby who is allergic to formula milk? The following characteristics of baby formula milk alargi

1. Infants who are allergic to formula milk will usually experience diarrhea. Diarrhea itself is one of the vomiting and accompanied by diarrhea.

2. Infants who are allergic to formula milk will experience reactions on their skin such as red spots, skin feels itchy, sometimes swelling on the face, lips and the area around the eyes

3. Infants who are allergic to formula milk will usually experience respiratory problems that cause colds, coughing, shortness of breath and shortness of breath

4. Infants who are allergic to formula milk will usually experience cramps in the stomach and flatulence

5. Infants who are allergic to formulas will sometimes experience eczema

Now you know the characteristics of the blog above are the characteristics of babies who are allergic to formula milk. By knowing the characteristics above, parents should be even more extra in caring for the baby we care about when they have stopped drinking milk and switched to formula milk. Okay, hopefully useful
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